If you wish to order a 24-hour free trial account, please use the contact form. You can find the link at the top and bottom of the page.
We use PayPal / BTCPay Server as our payment processor. However, you can pay by card only without creating a PayPal account by choosing to pay by card instead of login on the first page of the payment system.
Payment with PayPal or Bank Card
Order a 1-month trial account for 100 SEK here. (Only once and only for new customers.)
Annual payment option: 1700 SEK per year.
Monthly payment option:
Initial payment: SEK 600 when you connect.
First 3 months: FREE.
After 3 months: SEK 150 per month.
IPTV & Premium VOD (Dual)
Payment with PayPal or Bank Card
Annual payment option: 2150 SEK per year.
Monthly payment option:
Initial payment: 800 SEK when you connect.
First 3 months: FREE.
After 3 months: 180 SEK per month.
Payment with BTC
Bitcoin (BTC) payments offer a slight discount.
Annual payment option: 1600 SEK per year.
IPTV & Premium VOD (Dual)
Payment with BTC
Bitcoin (BTC) payments offer a slight discount.
Annual payment option: 2000 SEK per year.